Board of Directors

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chance To Do Some Fun Service

When it comes to service, don't run on empty. Please help us raise money for Support 4 Recovery by volunteering just 2 hours of your time on a Saturday. We have the following dates reserved for car washes at the Willow Pass 76 Station on Willow Pass and East St. in Concord. The dates are: April 10, May 15, June 12, July 17, August 14, Sept. 11, and Oct. 2 from 10am until 4pm. We need people to do 2 hour shifts on these days. Sign up at

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Holiday Tips - Twelve Tips

Twelve Tips on keeping Your Holiday Season Sober and Joyous.

Holidays parties without liquid spirits may still seem a dreary propect to people new to recovery. But many of us have enjoyed the happiest hoildays of our lives sober--an idea we would never dream of, wanted, or believed possible when drinking. Here are some tips for having and all around ball without a drop of alcohol.

1. Line up extra recovery activities for the hoilday season. Arrange to take newcomers to meetings, answer the phones at a clubhouse or central office, speak, help with the dishes, or visit the alcoholic ward at a hospital.

2. Be host to recovery friends, especially newcomers. If you don't have a place where you can throw a formal party, take one person to a diner and spring for coffee.

3. Keep your recovery telephone list with you at all times. If a drinking urge or panic comes--postpone everything else until you've called another person in recovery.

4. Find out about the special holiday parties, meetings, or other celebrations given by groups in your area, and go. If you're timid, take someone newer than you are.

5. Skip all drinking occasions you are nervous about. Remember how clever you were at excuses when drinking? Now put the talent to good use. No office party is as important as saving your life.

6. If you have to go to a drinking party and can't take a recovery friend with you, keep some candy handy. Also, take your cell phone with you and a phone list. Call people.

7. Don't think you have to stay late. Plan in advance an" important date" you have to keep.

8. Go to church. Any church. You don't have to be religious. Make it your own meditation time.

9. Don't sit around brooding. Catch up on those books, museums, walks, and letters.

10. Don't start now getting worked up about all those holiday temptations, Remember-"One Day At A Time".

11. Enjoy the true beauty of holiday love and joy. Maybe you cannot give material gifts -- But this year, you can give love.

12. Having had a ..." No need to spell out the Twelfth Step here, since you already know it.

What are some of the things you can share that you do to take care of yourself during the holiday season?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lois Wilson

Lois Wilson (March 4, 1891 - October 5, 1988) was the founder of Al-Anon, a support group for the friends and family of alcoholics. She was the wife of Alcoholics Anonymous founder Bill Wilson. Lois was born into affluence in Brooklyn Heights with her father being a prominent surgeon and gynecologist. Abraham Lincoln's grandchildren were playmates of her siblings when they were young and they attended prestigious schools. Lois began to work on efforts for families of alcoholics after Bill had gone through rehab and founded A.A. These efforts led to the founding of Al-Anon.

After Bill died in 1971 of emphysema, Lois inherited 90% of her late husband's estate and copyright royalties from The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Bill left the other 10% of his estate to his long-standing mistress.

Creative Approach

Ever want to try something different if the same 'ol thing isn't working for you? Reiki is the name given to a simple yet profound system of natural healing for body and mind, which was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui who lived in Japan during the nineteenth century. Rei means "universal", and ki, or chi, in Chinese, means "Life Force Energy." Many people also regard Reiki as a path to personal and spiritual growth. If you'd like to check it out, give Valarie a call.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Senate Bill 707 (DeSaulnier) Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor Certification and Licensure Update

Senate Bill (SB) 707 is the measure, sponsored by the Department of
Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) that will create an alcohol and other
drug (AOD) counselor certification and licensing system administered
by the department.

The bill was amended on June 23, 2009, and reflects the
recommendations of many stakeholders. Some comments that CAADE
has received in the past several weeks addressed provisions that
were in a previous version of the bill. They have a summary of the bill’s
provisions and a link to the actual bill on the ADP website. We
encourage everyone to visit the ADP website for updates and let us
know what you think. We will pass this info on to CAADE.

SB 707 is currently in the Senate Appropriations Committee. Senator
DeSaulnier and ADP plan is to move the bill in January. In
preparation for January, ADP is meeting with stakeholders who have
expressed an interest in the bill to hear their concerns and likes,
and to get their recommendations for strengthening the measure.

CAADE will be hosting meetings at ADP, at 1700 K Street in
Sacramento, and via conference call to discuss specific provisions of
the bill such as, but not limited to, the different tiers that will
allow for professional growth and a career path, criminal background
checks and wash out periods, and education requirements. The goal of
the topical meetings is to come up with solutions and participants
should submit their proposed amendments to ADP prior to the relevant
meeting(s). The following sessions will allow participants to hear
the broad array of perspectives on the issues and help them to
understand the various points of view and impact that proposed
amendments would have on the AOD service and provider system.

• Criminal Background Checks on Monday, October 26 from 1:30 to 3:30pm.
• Counselor Testing on Wednesday, November 17 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
• Counselor Education and Experience Requirements on Monday, November
30 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
• AOD Counselor Scope of Practice on Monday, December 7 from 1:30 to
3:30 p.m.

Also, The Assembly Select Committee on Alcohol and Drug Abuse will be
holding an informational hearing in the Capitol on November 16. The
topic of the hearing will be counselor certification and licensing and
SB 707. Senator DeSaulnier and ADP Director Zito will be on the
agenda and there will be opportunity for public comment.

Advisory Council Meeting

S4R Board member Amy A. gave a presentation to the S4R Advisory Council about applying for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). So many great ideas were born from this discussion! There are quite a few eligible activities. One that was talked about was prison re-entry services. As we all know, inmates (both men and women) usually have a very difficult time when they get out of prison with very few services available to them. S4R can help make a difference. Come and join us. Let us know your ideas! The next Advisory Council meeting is Friday, November 20th at 5:00pm. We now have a Volunteer meeting for those who would like to be involved with our future events. That meeting will follow the Advisory Council meeting on November 20th. It will be at 6:00pm. Check out the events page at the S4R website for the calendar.

How about doing a big Spaghetti Feed??

Friday, October 16, 2009

Did You Know...?

Among the 5.1 million adults who reported an unmet need for mental health care and did not receive mental health services in the past year, several barriers to care were reported. These included an inability to afford care (42.7 percent), believing at the time that the problem could be handled without care (28.6 percent), not knowing where to go for care (19.8 percent), and not having the time to go for care (13.9 percent).

Source: Office of Applied Studies

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

St. Teresa's Retreat

Last night the Pleasant Hill Planning Commission passed Dr. Jordan's request to open a womens 12 month treatment center. Special thanks goes to Commissioner Diane Vavrek for having the courage to start the discussion which moved the commission towards a vote. She addressed the issue in a respectable manner to all involved including the recovering community. The City of Pleasant Hill should be proud to have such a compassionate woman serving the community. I am sure that their decision will more than likely be appealed to the City Council and Support4Recovery will organize as part our mission statement which says "breaking down the stigma and disrimination by creating a unified voice for positive change." I know that you will help us move our mission forward as we help get this program opened. More to come.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Marty Mann

She would be the first to claim that her sobriety, found through Alcoholics Anonymous in its very earliest days, was the most important factor in her success. Indeed, she was the first woman to stay sober in AA -- from 1940 until her death in 1980. Her vision was to educate the whole country about alcoholism. She was obsessed with eliminating the historic stigma attached to chronic inebriation. She joined forces with the Yale School of Alcohol Studies (now at Rutgers), where early significant scientific research into alcoholism was underway. Eventually her nationwide educational efforts led to the creation of a separate organization, the National Council on Alcoholism (now the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence or NCADD). NCADD has been this country's most important educational, referral resource for alcoholics, their families and communities all across the country.

Three ideas formed the basis of her message:

1. Alcoholism is a disease and the alcoholic a sick person.
2. The alcoholic can be helped and is worth helping.
3. Alcoholism is a public health problem and therefore a public responsibility.

Governor Signs Historic Prison Reform Agreement

Governor Signs Historic Prison Reform Agreement

Posted using ShareThis

Now what??

Tonight's Planning Commision Gathering Postponed

The gathering for the Planning Commission meeting has been postponed. The NIMBY people are appealing the Commission's ruling in favor of Dr. Jordan so this issue is going to go before the City Council. That's when everyone can show up in support of St. Teresa's Retreat. Please pass this on. The new date will be posted as soon as the date is set.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Addictive Properties of Popular Drugs

Click on picture to enlarge.
Withdrawal: Presence and severity of characteristic withdrawal symptoms.

Reinforcement: A measure of the substance's ability, in human and animal tests, to get users to take it again and again, and in preference to other substances.

Tolerance: How much of the substance is needed to satisfy increasing cravings for it, and the level of stable need that is eventually reached.

Dependence: How difficult it is for the user to quit, the relapse rate, the percentage of people who eventually become dependent, the rating users give their own need for the substance and the degree to which the substance will be used in the face of evidence that it causes harm.

Intoxication: Though not usually counted as a measure of addiction in itself, the level of intoxication is associated with addiction and increases the personal and social damage a substance may do.

Jack E. Henningfield, PhD for NIDA, Reported by Philip J. Hilts, New York Times, Aug. 2, 1994 "Is Nicotine Addictive? It Depends on Whose Criteria You Use."

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Unified Voice

S4R has gotten quite a bit of feedback on the hearing for the opening of St. Theresa's Retreat. So we can have a unified presence to support Dr. Jordan in a positive way, we'll be meeting in the parking lot at 6:30pm. Please join us at 100 Gregory Lane Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fear and Loathing in Pleasant Hill

I went to a public hearing in Pleasant Hill on Tuesday, Sept. 29th regarding the opening of a 20-person residential adult non-medical alcoholism and/or drug abuse recovery or treatment facility that will by licensed by the State of California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs.

This facility was formerly a convent built for 20 persons and is located on Pleasant Hill Road in Pleasant Hill. The man who now owns, and would like to operate this building as a treatment center for women, is Dr. Michael Jordan, the Chief of Obstetrics at Kaiser in Walnut Creek.

What I heard at this meeting, which lasted almost 4 hours, tells me discrimination and stigma concerning addicts is still alive and well. Approximately 70 people attended. Three people spoke up with positive comments regarding the proposed facility. The rest of the audience was there to try and block it from opening. Many neighbors are concerned about the noise level with that many women living in one residence. At one point during Dr. Jordan’s rebuttal to those particular comments, he stated that putting in more vegetation as a sound barrier would create an extra major expense when there are already fences and vegetation in place. After the Dr. said that someone in the audience replied audibly, “Too bad!” Another neighborhood resident shared his concern about hypodermic needles being thrown in his back yard.

It was quite obvious all this is due to fear and ignorance surrounding people in recovery.

Lisa P. White from the Contra Costa Times reported, “Neighbors of the former convent at 2059 Pleasant Hill Road worry that the facility would draw criminal activity, depress property values and increase traffic and noise”.

We as a recovering community, I believe, have an obligation to help educate these individuals and show them that they have nothing to fear from us. Our community needs now, more than ever, safe and secure places for women to go to better their lives and not continue to live in the hell drug and alcohol addiction bring.

Please join us at the next public hearing for St. Theresa's Retreat on Tuesday, October 13th at 7:30pm. The location is 100 Gregory Lane Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. Your presence alone could have a distinct positive impact for Dr. Michael Jordan’s proposal.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Did You Know...?

Prevention and treatment works, saves lives, and costs less:

Millions of people and their families are in recovery from addiction and leading productive lives. 7 dollars is saved in medical and social costs for every dollar invested in treatment.

For every dollar spent on alcohol and drug Prevention, communities can save $4 to $5 in future costs for treatment and counseling.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

More Recovery Walk Pictures

Go here to see more 2009 Recovery Walk pictures courtesy of the Tolen Family. All the pictures can be seen from the events page of

Awesome Meeting!

Over 30 people showed up for the Recovery Walk debriefing meeting at Fuddruckers in Concord! Not only was our meeting productive, the food was great, and the fellowship even better!

We're having another meeting because we ran out of time to cover everything in the first one.

The next volunteer meeting will be at:
6:00 - 7:00pm
Friday, October 16, 2009
Center for Recovery
2730 Grant Street, Concord
Classroom B

Everyone is welcome! Go to the events page of to see all of our meeting dates.

If anyone would like to share any pictures from last night's meeting, please let me know. Thanks, Judy

Monday, September 21, 2009

Laurel Barth Designs

Not only is she a talented designer, she's bakes the most awesome sweets!

Laurel is a designer who happens to be an incredible baker. Do you know what a chapflap is? If you own a motorcycle this might be something you'd like to have. Check out for all the info.

She has also satisfied our sweet tooth more than once with mouth watering cookies, muffins, cakes. So, next time you need a cake for your party or some cookies to cheer someone up...or heck, just spoil yourself, you deserve it, call or email Laurel!

...and, they just keep coming...

An anonymous company donated 33 orange safety vests along with 4 traffic cones! Thanks to our Support 4 Recovery Advisory Council member Laurel B. for getting these donations!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Democracy Restoration Act

This info came from Senator Dianne Feinstein's office in July. It was also distributed from various news agencies.

"House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) and Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution Chairman Russ Feingold (D-WI) introduced bills in both chambers of Congress today that will restore voting rights to millions of American citizens with past felony convictions. An estimated 5.3 million citizens cannot vote as a result of felony convictions, and nearly 4 million of those individuals are living and working in their communities. The Democracy Restoration Act of 2009 is a welcome measure that will establish a uniform standard restoring voting rights in federal elections to millions of Americans who are not incarcerated, but continue to be denied their ability to fully participate in civic life."

RECOVERY WALK 2009: Bringing together harmony, laughter, and all around good times...

Contra Costa County Supervisor Gayle Uilkema opened our 5th annual Recovery Walk, as she has in the past, with a very inspiring and encouraging message. She let people know that the stigma of addiction can be erased.

It was a great beginning to a fun filled day. When asked what this event meant to him, Dave R. wrote, "To me this means together we can achieve almost anything, as long as we stay in the solution, that I would not have achieved on my own. Bringing together harmony, laughter and all around good times".

The Support 4 Recovery Board of Directors and Advisory Council greatly appreciate what all the dedicated volunteers did. The Tolen family put together the best Kids Corner this event has ever had. Fresh Start Alumni Association ran a very organized registration. The Diablo Valley Ranch Alumni Association did an incredible job at serving food to over 400 people. I don't think this blog is big enough to list all the committed people who helped make this such a wonderful day. This event received more donations then any of the past Recovery Walks...INCREDIBLE!

Judge Joni Hiramoto gave a very supportive speech to the crowd. One of the things she said was, "If you fall down seven times, get up eight". So many recovering addicts and alcoholics have done just that.

Senator Mark DeSaulnier addressed the many people gathered with inspiring words. He is another great supporter of the community, especially to men and women who are getting out of prison and are trying to re-enter into society. These people greatly need our assistance and Senator DeSaulnier has always championed this cause.

Gayle H., who is on the S4R Advisory Council and ran the voter registration booth along with Maria R. mentioned, "A number of people were under the impression that they could never vote again in their lifetimes because they had past felonies on their records...Maria and I showed them the info booklet that says they CAN vote if they are on probation or off parole". Community awareness is so important. We can do great things in numbers!

One of the pictures you see here is of the three people, Rick, Harold, and Fatima, who started the very first Contra Costa County Recovery Walk five years ago.

At this year's event, there was even a lady from Casa Ujima who went into labor! She had a recovery baby!

Please share with us what this day meant to you if you were there.

To see some of the many people who made this happen check out or go to this link.

Watch this blog for details regarding our next event. If you'd like to do some fun service, come and join us.

Friday, September 18, 2009


This is the proclamation given to the Recovery Community from the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors. It will go up on the wall as soon as we get our first building!

Recovery Month

Supervisor Gayle B. Uilkema presented the recovery community, and
Support for Recovery was there a accept, a framed document proclaiming the month of September 2009 as National Alcohol and Drug Recovery Month in Contra Costa County at the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, September 15th. Many people from the recovery community came to support the event. Supervisor Uilkema has supported the Recovery Walk for the past 4 years!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Eating Healthy

It's so important in recovery to eat healthy and exercise. Dr. Andrew Weil has some good tips on how to do that. Dr. Weil's Blog.

Friday, September 11, 2009

We're On TV!!!

Thanks to Laurie and Keith Tolen, many volunteers and S4R Advisory Council members were on Channel 5 news this morning!
Channel 5 WAVE. From this link, go to "Top Stories" "local news" on the right and then click on "Early addition for HIGH 5 Concord support group".

Happy 29th Anniversary to Keith and Laurie!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory

It was such a success, we'll be having another one in a few months. People came in for dinner from 5:00pm until closing. Thank you to Heather, the General Manager at The Old Spaghetti Factory for allowing us to have this fundraiser. The top picture is Heather and Sara. The two women who started all of this. The bottom picture is the Support 4 Recovery Board of Directors, Nina, Tom, and Judy.

To see all of the pictures, please go to
Thanks to all who supported us!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Treatment vs. Incarceration

California, with the nation's second-largest prison system, is considering a dramatic proposal -- releasing 40,000 inmates to save money and comply with a court ruling that found the state's prisons overcrowded.

They should start with the inmates we went to see today! These men have worked tirelessly to achieve not only recovery from drugs and/or alcohol but have helped others achieve it too!

Today was a day of celebrating Recovery Month. There was fantastic music, great conversations, and humor. Comedian Mark Lundholm was there along with Warden Robert K. Wong who presented a proclamation to the men who created the treatment program at San Quentin.

These men are outstanding in what they do and need to be recognized and supported for it. The few who started the treatment program at San Quentin need to be paroled so they can continue on the outside what they have so successfully begun inside a place where not very many good things happen.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Clean and Sober in San Quentin

Most times, you hear nothing but bad news about San Quentin or prisons in general. People very seldom hear about the good news. Well, tomorrow there will be plenty of good news!

At least 17 people are going out to San Quentin tomorrow to show their support for the men who have worked so incredibly hard to either become CAADAC Counselors or are graduates of the treatment program that was created by inmates.

There will be live music, comedy, and lots of fellowshiping. Mark Lundholm always come out with us every year. Three CAADAC Counselors have been paroled from San Quentin since we've started attending their Recovery Month event. Those three are doing some amazing work on the outside to continue helping people.

I wish I could say I'll post some good pictures from our trip....good memories will have to do...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Advisory Council Hard At Work!

Some People Who Really Make a Difference...

The 2009 Recovery Walk volunteers this year are an awesome bunch! We have only 2 more meetings before the Walk and there is still so much to do!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Take Care of Yourself...

Affordable massage with excellent service. Tim offers a variety of massage. He is located in Concord and can be reached at 925-407-6906 or

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Boomers & Drugs...

Illicit Drug Use Rising Among Those in their 50s
August 20, 2009

As baby boomers pass the half-century mark, many are celebrating with more than cake and ice cream: use of illicit drugs among 50- to 59-year-olds has nearly doubled during the past five years, according to a report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

The report, An Examination of Trends in Illicit Drug Use among Adults Aged 50 to 59 in the United States (PDF), found that past-year drug use among this age group increased from 5.1 percent in 2002 to 9.4 percent in 2007. SAMHSA officials attributed the increase to more Baby Boomers entering their 50s and continuing their patterns of illicit-drug consumption.

"These findings show that many in the Woodstock generation continue to use illicit drugs as they age," said SAMHSA Acting Administrator Eric Broderick. "This continued use poses medical risks to these individuals and is likely to put further strains on the nation's health-care system -- highlighting the value of preventing drug use from ever starting."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Irritating Things Sponsors Say...

"You alone can do it, but you can't do it alone."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Buddhism/12 Step Retreat with Kevin Griffin

There is still space for the Buddhism/12 Step Retreat September 23-27 in Northern California. The retreat blends intensive, silent meditation, with interactive 12 Step work. Kevin's colleague, Heather Sundberg, will offer a depth of experience in Buddhist practice and in recovery. There will be detailed meditation guidance, teachings on connecting Buddhism and recovery, group work, and personal interviews with the teachers. Each evening after the dharma talk, they will conclude with an open 12 Step meeting.

The setting, the Vajrapani Institute, is in a beautiful redwood forest in the coastal mountains above Santa Cruz. If you are interested in deepening your meditation practice and gaining new perspective and tools for recovery, this is a unique opportunity.

Standard dorm accommodations, including meals, cost $350. A few single rooms are available.

To register or for more information, contact Quilley Powers: The flier is also available on his website,

If you have any other questions, feel free to write Kevin at

Your Help is Needed Today! CUT PRISON SPENDING!

Dear friends,

The California Legislature is expected to vote TODAY – Thursday, August 20 – on a plan to protect public safety and cut prison spending (so they don't take those cuts out of education, poison control or other essential services).


Just make one call! Here’s how:

Step 1: Get your California legislators' phone numbers here:

Step 2: Dial your state Assemblymember's and Senator's number...

Step 3: Tell the person who answers the phone 1) your name, 2) that you are a constituent, and 3) that you want them to VOTE "YES" TODAY TO MAKE SAFE CUTS TO PRISON SPENDING so we don’t have any more cuts to essential programs!

Step 4: Ask 5 (or more) friends to do the same!

Step 5: Let me know how your phone calls went!

If enough of us call we can make this happen. We have just one day to tell our representatives to DO THE RIGHT THING!!


Thank you!!!

Best, Margaret
Margaret Dooley-Sammuli, Deputy State Director, Southern California
Drug Policy Alliance

3470 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 618, Los Angeles, CA 90010

Phone: 213 291 4190 ❙ Fax: 213 382 6425 ❙ Email:

Reason. Compassion. Justice.

Become a member of Drug Policy Alliance

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

They're Up To Mischief!!

CFR Chaplain (in the middle) of a couple of Fresh Start Alumni.

Walnut Creek Bans "Pot Clubs"

I read this on Posted by the Mayor on 8/18/09:

Today, at 8 o'clock this morning, the Walnut Creek City Council passed an emergency moratorium which bans medical marijuana dispensaries for the next 45-days.

This "emergency" action came after a group who calls themselves "C3 Collective" filed a request to create a dispensary at 1291 Oakland Boulevard. The group, which already operates a yoga and acupuncture center at the location, wanted to be able to add the sale of marijuana as an option to some of the patients they treat.

Councilman Bob Simmons was the only one on the council to vote against the emergency moratorium.

The City of Walnut Creek will address this issue once again during the council's regularly scheduled meeting on September 15th.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

John Muir Supports the Recovery Walk!

Center for Recovery is donating the money for the RW t-shirts! That's alot of money. The Program Director, Nina (seated on the right), along with Counselors Robert, Cindy, and Jann make up a great team of people who have helped thousands of addicts.

The Old Spaghetti Factory Rocks!!

We had lunch today at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Concord and met with the General Manager. She's the one who is allowing 15% of all dinners they sell on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 9th, 2009 from 5:00pm to 9:30pm to go to the Recovery Walk. So, please join us for a night of good food, fellowship, and fun. Since becoming the GM, Heather has helped different groups raise money for their communities and we really appreciate what she's doing for us! The address is 1955 Mt. Diablo St., Concord, CA. Phone is 925-687-5030. YAY Heather!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Recovery Walk Planning Meeting

Join us at Center for Recovery, 2730 Grant St., Concord, Classroom B for the next Recovery Walk Planning Meeting. 6pm to 7pm.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Prop 36 Funding Cuts

I think it is so terrible that addicts and alcoholics are receiving yet another blow by the 90 million dollar cut in Prop 36 funding. These cuts are so devastating that the survival of some of our programs that are already underfunded will be forced to shut down some or all of their services. We need to send the message that this is not acceptable to the recovering community. What should we do about this? Who else is mad about this?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our Biggest Recovery Walk Supporters

Every volunteer is important for the success of the Recovery Walk. This year, the S4R Board of Director's would like to especially thank our biggest supporters. They are The Old Spaghetti Factory, John Muir Behavioral Health Center for Recovery and Kinder's.

From 5:00pm to 9:30pm on September 9th, The Old Spaghetti Factory will be donating 15% of their sales to our event! Tell everyone you know! Not only is the food good, the prices are very reasonable. Bring the family. Bring your friends and neighbors too! They are also open for lunch.The address is: 1955 Mount Diablo St, Concord. Right across the street from Todos Santos Park.

As in every year, Center for Recovery is donating the t-shirts that will be given out at the Recovery Walk. Kinder's, for the second year in a row, has supported us with giving out free food at the Recovery Walk.

Just think...if you ever need to go to rehab, you could eat really well...


Welcome to our blog! This is an exciting time for S4R. We have 13 people on our Advisory Council, a few projects in the works (the biggest being the Recovery Walk), and many dedicated volunteers who take part in our success. Our other projects include Support a Counselor and Dress for Success. More info on both of those to come. If you want to do some fun service, go to and fill out the form to join our Advisory Council.