Senate Bill (SB) 707 is the measure, sponsored by the Department of
Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) that will create an alcohol and other
drug (AOD) counselor certification and licensing system administered
by the department.
The bill was amended on June 23, 2009, and reflects the
recommendations of many stakeholders. Some comments that CAADE
has received in the past several weeks addressed provisions that
were in a previous version of the bill. They have a summary of the bill’s
provisions and a link to the actual bill on the ADP website. We
encourage everyone to visit the ADP website for updates and let us
know what you think. We will pass this info on to CAADE.
SB 707 is currently in the Senate Appropriations Committee. Senator
DeSaulnier and ADP plan is to move the bill in January. In
preparation for January, ADP is meeting with stakeholders who have
expressed an interest in the bill to hear their concerns and likes,
and to get their recommendations for strengthening the measure.
CAADE will be hosting meetings at ADP, at 1700 K Street in
Sacramento, and via conference call to discuss specific provisions of
the bill such as, but not limited to, the different tiers that will
allow for professional growth and a career path, criminal background
checks and wash out periods, and education requirements. The goal of
the topical meetings is to come up with solutions and participants
should submit their proposed amendments to ADP prior to the relevant
meeting(s). The following sessions will allow participants to hear
the broad array of perspectives on the issues and help them to
understand the various points of view and impact that proposed
amendments would have on the AOD service and provider system.
• Criminal Background Checks on Monday, October 26 from 1:30 to 3:30pm.
• Counselor Testing on Wednesday, November 17 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
• Counselor Education and Experience Requirements on Monday, November
30 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
• AOD Counselor Scope of Practice on Monday, December 7 from 1:30 to
3:30 p.m.
Also, The Assembly Select Committee on Alcohol and Drug Abuse will be
holding an informational hearing in the Capitol on November 16. The
topic of the hearing will be counselor certification and licensing and
SB 707. Senator DeSaulnier and ADP Director Zito will be on the
agenda and there will be opportunity for public comment.